

Jan 1, 2022
Re my Windows PC (Windows 10 ) , when I'm returning to certain websites, I find that my PC has failed to remember my past visits and deleted cookies etc so I have to accept them all over again. Yet I haven't deleted any cookies at all along with browsing history, and have told these websites to "remember me". I accept these with banks because although annoying it's probably to do with security, but it's happening with sites that don't store any sensitive personal information at all. Am I missing a setting somewhere?

Any clues would be appreciated.
Hey @Stationmaster
Definitely a bit weird - what browser are you using?

Are you finding that some sites are retaining your 'remember me' preference but not others, or is it pretty consistently not working?
The browser is Chrome. It's pretty consistently across websites where I want them to retain some non-secure information.
Only thing I can think of at the moment is there's possibly an extension that's causing things to play up - in particular perhaps a VPN or adblocker, or some other security thing that is causing the websites to either lose the cookies or otherwise be unable to automatically log you in.

If you enter chrome://extensions/ into your address bar in Chrome it should bring all of them up - might be worth disabling a few or just disabling one at a time until you find the culprit.

Another thing you could try is to use Microsoft Edge for a bit, even if you just use one site in Edge. Edge is now Chrome based so it's a better browser than what used to be called Edge (though I still use Chrome myself)
This will at least rule out it being something other than Google Chrome that's causing the issue.