Hi there. I'm new here - first time posting. I'm not sure where to turn with this problem, so I thought I would give this site a try. If my problem is not tailored for this site, I will understand. I have AT&T fiber for my internet. I pay for a 300 Mbps package. Frequent speed tests reveal that my speed most times exceeds this specified package rate. I am provided with an AT&T WiFi router (Model # BGW320-505) with 4 ethernet ports.
https://help.sonic.com/hc/en-us/art...text=The BGW320 is a router,-band, and 2.4GHz
I have my desktop computer plugged into Port 1 (labeled 5 Gb). I have 3 TV's connected via Cat 8 ethernet to Ports 2-4. Here's the problem: my 3 TV's have a very hard time connecting to the Paramount+ streaming app (every other app works perfectly). The TV's only connect about 10% of the time I try. I am presented with error codes on my TV's (most times they are either 6000 or 6090), and error codes on my Windows 10 laptop. I've tried rebooting my AT&T router numerous times, but that doesn't seem to help. Could my router be blocking this Paramount+ IP address?
https://help.sonic.com/hc/en-us/art...text=The BGW320 is a router,-band, and 2.4GHz
I have my desktop computer plugged into Port 1 (labeled 5 Gb). I have 3 TV's connected via Cat 8 ethernet to Ports 2-4. Here's the problem: my 3 TV's have a very hard time connecting to the Paramount+ streaming app (every other app works perfectly). The TV's only connect about 10% of the time I try. I am presented with error codes on my TV's (most times they are either 6000 or 6090), and error codes on my Windows 10 laptop. I've tried rebooting my AT&T router numerous times, but that doesn't seem to help. Could my router be blocking this Paramount+ IP address?