New to the forum.


Jul 22, 2023
Thought I better say hi. I was a member of a few computer forums back in the day but I've mostly stuck to posting on Reddit these days. I enjoy helping others and sharing my knowledge.

Now Reddit seems to be going down the pan I thought I'd look at what forums were still going and found this one. Seems a friendly place so look forward to getting to know you all. I miss the heyday of forums, made a lot of good friends but Reddit didn't exactly seem the sort of place for that.
Welcome to CF.
Thank you for the warm welcome, @DeBangis and @User! I'm excited to be a part of this forum and contribute my knowledge and help to the community. If you have any questions or need any assistance, feel free to ask. Looking forward to getting to know all of you as well!
Hi guys! I am really happy to be here and now posting as a member.

Have a nice day all!